IMPORTANT NOTE. Following recent misidentification by visiting pilots confusing Warton Aerodrome with Blackpool Airport, the following information has been compiled to ensure safety and prevent incident.
All pilots are reminded to exercise caution as misidentification is common.
Make sure you have both Aerodromes in sight before requesting a visual approach, checking DME range against visual reference when established on final approach.
Aircraft de-icing facilities are currently not available at Blackpool Airport.
Aerodrome Name: | Blackpool Airport |
Aerodrome Location: | 2.6nm SSE of Blackpool |
ICAO Designator: | EGNH |
Aerodrome ARP: | 53°46’18” N 003°01’43” W Midpoint of RW10/28 |
Radio: | 119.955 MHz. Call sign – “Blackpool Tower and Approach” |
Fire Category: | · From 0700-2100 RFF Category 4 available Monday to Sunday (Category 5 on remission)
RFF Category 5 accepted under Remission. |
Prior Permission Required: | PPR Required |
Opening Hours: | 07:00 – 21:00 Local time Out of Hours Agreements mandatory in advance of use, for all aircraft wishing to operate outside of published opening hours. |
Aerodrome Elevation: | +34ft |
Technical Information
Please follow the above link and select ‘Current AIRAC’, followed by clicking ‘aerodromes’, then ‘Blackpool’, to see the latest updates to Aerodrome Technical Information including:
Runway lengths, widths and PCN’s
Taxiway widths and PCN’s
Aerodrome lighting
Instrument approach plates
Operational procedures
Information on the NATS AIP is updated each month. Please note Runway 13/31 is unlit and unavailable for night use.

Weather Information
Blackpool ATC is equipped with an automated system that supplies the surface wind, outside air temperature, dew point and pressure data. The cloud, visibility and current weather are observed by qualified met observers from the tower. This information is used to compile the METARs which are compiled half hourly at 20 mins and 50 mins past each hour during notified operational hours. Information is available via the Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS).
During operational hours TAFs are issued by the Met Office in Exeter.
The ATIS operates on frequency 127.205 MHz. During ATC hours the information is verified and the Runway in Use is included in the broadcast together with a code letter. Pilots should obtain the latest information before contacting ATC.