Blackpool Airport is one of the oldest established airports in the UK and has a unique character of its own. Established in 1909, we’ve seen it all when it comes to air travel!
We have an enviable heritage and a reputation for offering stoic and unfaltering support to the flying community through the decades.
Blackpool Airport welcomes all General Aviation traffic during our operational hours 7:00 – 21:00.
Blackpool Airport is PPR to all flights, whether the aircraft is visiting or based at Blackpool; it is the responsibility of the Pilot in Command to obtain PPR, please do not rely on any third party to do this for you.
Air Traffic Control can be contacted on 01253 472527.
High Visibility Clothing
Please remember when exiting the aircraft HI-VIS MUST BE WORN AIRSIDE – this means that anyone on the tarmac MUST be escorted by someone in a hi-vis jacket at all time.
This is for the safety of everyone.
Aircraft Parking
We have parking for GA on stands X,Y, and Z or the Main Apron. You will be directed accordingly by ATC. The crew reporting point is labelled on the map below directly to the north of stand X. There are also flight briefing facilities available here.
Payments can be made in the refuelling office or security VSP (vehicle search point) next to the flight briefing room.

*For reference only. Please see latest charts for up to date information.
General Aviation Services
- Flight briefing lounge – with internet access, lounge and tea/coffee making facilities.
- Refuelling at the fuel pumps (also shown on the parking map) – Avgas/JetA1 at competitive prices. Prices change monthly so please contact refuelling for up-to-date information.
- Dedicated fixed wing/rotor parking zones.
Instrument Training
- Bookings for instrument training slots must be taken over the phone by ATC.
- Blackpool is a procedural unit and does NOT have radar.
- Currently, approaches are charged at the same price as landings.
Please note
- Instrument training will be subject to traffic and staff availability at the time requested. Delays may be incurred due to inbound/outbound IFR traffic and training may have to be terminated at short notice.
- Instrument training will be subject to the runway in use at the time requested. Training may have to be terminated at short notice should there be a change in wind speed and/or direction.
- Instrument training will be subject to Warton traffic during weekdays.
- When instrument training has been booked in advance, pilots must call ATC on the day, to confirm the booking is still approved.
- Pilots MUST adhere to the training time slot given. Late arrivals may be turned away. Pilots are requested to advise ATC as soon as practical if it is no longer possible to stick to the allocated training time slot.
Qualifying Cross Country Flights
Blackpool welcomes student pilots on their Qualifying Cross Country flights but please help us to assist you by noting the following before setting off on this trip:
- Notify ATC that this will be a QXC flight when booking for PPR.
- Advise us of Actual Airfield of departure prior to arriving at Blackpool (if not your based airfield).
- Advise us of Actual Airfield of intended destination after leaving Blackpool (if not your based airfield).
- When you pay your landing fee advise the person taking this that you are a QXC flight and present them with your Form. You may have to visit ATC (we can arrange transport) for the ATCO to sign your form or it may be possible for the administrative staff to telephone ATC to confirm if they can sign the form on our behalf.