Please visit the PPR page for further details.
Circuit Directions
Runway 28 and 31 Right Hand
Runway 10 and 13 Left Hand
Misidentification with Warton
Please be aware that Warton Aerodrome is situated 6 miles SE of Blackpool and has a similar runway configuration.
Please visit the aerodrome technical information page for further details.
Types of Instrument Approaches Available
Runway 10 |
Runway 28 |
Reporting points, VRPs & Co-ordinates

Fleetwood | (Golf Course) (535508N 0030243W) |
Inskip | (Disused Aerodrome) (534938N 0025003W) |
M55 Junction 3 | (534825N 0025323W) |
M55 Junction 4 | (534737.98N 0025905.26W) (BPL 052° MAG / 2.0 nm) |
Poulton | (Railway Station) (535054N 0025925W) |
Southport Pier | (533919N 0030116W) |
St Anne’s Pier | (534456.75N 0030209.11W) (BPL 193° MAG / 1.5 nm) |
Tall Tower | (534856.95N 0030318.88W) (BPL 341° MAG / 2.8 nm) – pilots may be asked to route East/West abeam the Tall Tower before joining. |
Useful local information
All VFR aircraft inbound from the south of Blackpool must contact Warton LARS 129.530 MHz in the first instance
Warton LARS Operational Hours – Mon-Thu 0730-1900; Fri 0730-1700 Winter (Summer 1hr earlier)
Approaching From The North
Restricted area R444 – Heysham Nuclear Power Station
2 Gas venting sites – Walney and SE of Carnforth
Reporting points: Fleetwood, Poulton, Garstang, Inskip, M55 J4 (Helicopters may be asked to report M55 J4 not above 600ft if circuit active/traffic joining circuit)
Cockerham, Cark – Parachute Centre & Gliding activity (when activity has been notified to us this will be broadcast on the ATIS.)
Approaching from East /North East
Gliding activity – Chipping
Microlight Activity – Pilling Sands, Hoghton, St Michaels, Rossall Field
Pilots may be asked to route via the M55
Restricted area – BETWEEN Preston & Blackpool is R312
Remain outside Warton ATZ
ASR Change, Barnsley & Holyhead regional pressure settings
Aim to achieve 2 way contact before crossing M6 inbound to Blackpool
Be aware of Blackpool tall tower location, when joining its likely you’ll be asked to report East or West abeam (depending on runway in use)
Be aware of the possibility of confusion of Blackpool Aerodrome & Warton Aerodrome.
Approaching From South & South West
Manchester Low Level Corridor – Manchester AIP link
If you are routing via coast – be aware of Woodvale ATZ check activities
ASR Change
Mon – Fri LARS is available with Warton Radar on 129.530 MHz
Remain outside Warton MATZ
Southport Pier VRP
Be aware of the possibility of confusion of Blackpool Aerodrome & Warton Aerodrome.
Any information provided in this section should not be used for operational purposes, reference should be made to flight planning data such as the AIP or other commercially available software.
Please Note: Tower and Approach operating on combined frequency 119.955 MHz. Frequency 118.405 Mhz is only to be used on instructions from ATC.