Fees and Charges

Fees and Charges effective from 1st May 2024

Prices exclude VAT
VAT Registration Number: GB 927 1803 23
Telephone: 01253 472 520
Fax: 01253 472504

General Charges

Please note; when you book out with ATC they will require a fee payment reference.
You will receive this from the VSP office once payment has been taken.

Standard Landing Fees

Aircraft up to 3 tonnes £12.00 per ½ tonne (or part thereof)
Aircraft over 3 tonnes £30.00 per tonne (or part thereof)
Aircraft over 40 tonnes £30.00 per tonne for the first 40 tonnes, and ½ rate thereafter

Applies to Standard Landing Fee only

Discounts available for based aircrafts on request.
Please contact glynn.wright@blackpoolairport.com

Crew training and test flights pre-booked only: 40%
Touch and Go’s 50%
Additional approaches 50%
First 2 hours (touch down and take off) FREE
First 3 tonnes, per ½ tonne per day or part £4.00
Thereafter, per tonne per day or part £7.50

Category 4 is available every day during operating hours, with Category 5 on remission.

Higher categories are available on request at the following rates:

Fire Category 5 £580 per movement
Fire Category 6 £710 per movement

If a rotation is within 2 hours 15 minutes of scheduled time of arrival, only one increase in category charge will be levied during operational hours.

A 50% charge will be incurred for any cancellation of movements made with less than 24 hours’ notice.

For enquiries, please contact the Fire & Operations Team on 01253 472525 / or handling@blackpoolairport.com.

Out of Hours Surcharge (Subject to availability)
For movements outside of standard airport hours, the following charges will apply per hour or part thereof:

Aircraft movements between 21:00 and 07:00:

Fire Category 1 £725 per hour
Fire Category 2 £860.00 per hour
Fire Category 3 £1010.00 per hour
Fire Category 4 £1165.00 per hour
Fire Category 5 £1330.00 per hour
Fire Category 6 £1500.00 per hour

An additional charge will be made for the refuelling facility.

A 50% charge will be incurred for any cancellation of movements made with less than 24 hours’ notice.
For enquiries, please contact the Fire & Operations Team on 01253 472525 or handling@blackpoolairport.com.

Photos curtesy of © Andy Bell Images