PPR can be arranged via Air Traffic Control on 01253 472527.
Alternatively, complete all fields in the PPR form below and click ‘send’ to send the form through to ATC and Ops. We will acknowledge receipt and confirm your booking as soon as possible.
Should any details change, or you wish to cancel your flight, please phone ATC on 01253 472527 quoting your aircraft registration number.
Aircraft with a max. take-off weight (MTOW) of over 3000kg will be subject to mandatory handling.
If this is applicable, do not fill the out the PPR form below but contact Hangar 3 direct via BLKhandling@hangar3blackpool.com or 01253 407070.
Please note the airport operational hours are 07:00 – 21:00 local/06:00 – 20:00 zulu (unless promulgated otherwise by NOTAM).
Pilots will be required to complete and submit an Out of Hours request form [link to relevant section of Airport services] should they wish to depart/arrive outside of these hours.
Bookings for instrument training slots must be taken over the phone by ATC.
Please see the General Aviation page for further information.
Before completing the below form, ensure you have read and fully understood the Blackpool Airport Pilot Briefing information on the Visiting by Air page.
PPR Form
The Prior Permission Required Form
Please note this form does NOT constitute approval for instrument training. All bookings for instrument training slots must be taken over the phone by ATC.